Sunday 17 May 2020


Command Description
 1 top used to get cpu  information,memory info,process id,user who is running the process(user),what command is running.
 2 df -h   used to check whether any mount point id 100% in disk space utilization.
 3 du  if in the df -h command,any mount point is full. then by using du cmd delete large unwanted file.
 4 dmesg Anything that is related to hardware issue can be found here.

ex: issue with memory.
      issue with memory leak
      issue with mother board.
      issue with CPU crash.
 5 iostat

stands for I/o statistics
 Gives read/write speed of each disk

cmd: iostat 1
         will refresh for every  second and display the output of iostat in the                       same putty terminal session.
 6 netstat -rnv

netstat | more
 print network connections,routing tables,interface statistics,masquerade connections and multicast memberships.

 7 freeIt is used to check physical memory and virtual memory.

output of free command looks like:

                  total          used        free     shared    buff/cache    available
Mem :    1016232     640252    79500   5152      296480          195024
Swap:     1048572    2724       1045848


Mem - physical memory
Swap - Virtual memory.
 8 cat /proc/cpuinfo  To check all the CPU information of the system
 9 cat /proc/meminfo To check all the memory information of the system

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