An important detail, all commands in this list have been validated in TMOS v13. Older or newer versions may have differences, so confirm in the release notes of your release. Let's get down to business.
Access or exit the TMOS prompt after connecting via SSH on BIG-IP
[root@bigip1:Active:In Sync] config # tmsh
root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# quit
[root@bigip1:Active:In Sync] config #
Change the current big-IP partition and then go back to /Common
root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# cd /WEB-APP/
root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/WEB-APP)(tmos)# cd /Common/
View the history of commands used in TMSH
(tmos)# show cli history
List the nodes configured in the current partition
(tmos)# list ltm node
List all nodes configured in all partitions
(tmos)# list ltm node /*/*
List pools configured in the current partition
(tmos)# list ltm pool
List all pools configured in all partitions
(tmos)# list ltm pool /*/*
List the virtual-servers configured in the current partition
(tmos)# list ltm virtual
List all virtual-servers configured in all partitions
(tmos)# list ltm virtual /*/*
View statistics of the nodes of the current partition
(tmos)# show ltm node
View node statistics for all partitions
(tmos)# show ltm node /*/*
View partition pools statistics
(tmos)# show ltm pool
View pool statistics for all partitions
(tmos)# show ltm pool /*/*
Check the statistics of the pool members of the current partition
(tmos)# show ltm pool members
Check pool member statistics for all partitions
(tmos)# show ltm pool members /*/*
View statistics from the virtual-servers of the current partition
(tmos)# show ltm virtual
View virtual-server statistics for all partitions
(tmos)# show ltm virtual /*/*
Check SSL profile statistics called profile_WEB-APP-01
(tmos)# show ltm profile profile_WEB-APP-01
Zero nodes, pool, virtual-server and snat statistics
(tmos)# reset-stats ltm node
(tmos)# reset-stats ltm pool
(tmos)# reset-stats ltm virtual
(tmos)# reset-stats ltm snat
View total CPU consumption of the box/VE/vCMP (total and per CPU)
(tmos)# show sys cpu
View hardware, serial number, and derived information
(tmos)# show sys hardware
View the status and statistics of network interfaces
(tmos)# show net interface
View trunks/port-channels status and statistics
(tmos)# show net trunk
Check the status and statistics of self/float IPs
(tmos)# show net self
View the ARP table with only dynamic entries
(tmos)# show net arp dynamic
Check the full ARP table of big-IP
(tmos)# show net arp
Check that mac address f0:f7:55:96:86:c2 has been learned by BIG-IP
(tmos)# show net arp dynamic | grep f0:f7:55:96:86:c2
Check the selected route for destination
(tmos)# show net route lookup
Check the selected route to destination if the packet arrives by RD-99
(tmos)# show net route lookup
View connection table for virtual-server10.0.0.1 listening on port 80
(tmos)# show sys connection cs-server-addr cs-server-port 80
View connection table for virtual-server10.0.0.1 listening on port 80 and running on route-domain 10
(tmos)# show sys connection cs-server-addr cs-server-port 80
Check that client IP is in a persistence table
(tmos)# show ltm persistence persist-records client-addr
Check virtual-server persistence table vs_WEB-APP-80
(tmos)# show ltm persistence persist-records virtual vs_WEB-APP-80
Delete client persistence entry from vs_WEB-APP-80
(tmos)# delete ltm persistence persist-records virtual vs_WEB-APP-80 client-addr
View the connection table for the SNAT IP
(tmos)# show sys connection ss-client-addr
View the connection table for the SNAT IP in route-domain 10
(tmos)# show sys connection ss-client-addr
View the connection table for client
(tmos)# show sys connection cs-client-addr
View the connection table for client that connected in virtual-server on port 80
(tmos)# show sys connection cs-client-addr cs-server-addr cs-server-port 80
Check that port 3389 virtual-server connections are being properly mirrored to the standby device
(tmos)# show sys connection cs-client-addr cs-server-port 3389 type mirror*** Executar o comando sempre na caixa standby. Se o comando não retornar nada, ou a conexão já saiu da tabela ou não foi espelhada corretamente.
Delete ALL client connections
(tmos)# delete sys connection cs-client-addr
Delete all client connections established for virtual-server on port 80
(tmos)# delete sys connection cs-client-addr cs-server-addr cs-server-port 80
View client connection table from RD-10
(tmos)# show sys connection cs-client-addr
Drip the IP with the source (need to be a box self)
(tmos)# ping -s
Continuous ly check /var/log/ltm
(bash)# tailf /var/log/ltm*** Atentar que o comando deve ser executado no bash e não no tmsh.
Check which traffic-groups are active and standby
(tmos)# show cm traffic-group
Check the BIG-IP mirror process
(tmos)# show sys ha-mirror*** Será exibido estatísticas por processo do TMM.
Perform a failover of ALL traffic-groups to another device
(tmos)# run sys failover standby*** Executar o comando do device ativo.
Failover of traffic-group WEB-APP to another device
(tmos)# run sys failover standby traffic-group WEB-APP
Perform tcpdump on client traffic screen on port 80
(tmos)# tcpdump -nni 0.0 ‘host and port 80’
Perform tcpdump of the first 50 packets on the client traffic screen on port 80
(tmos)# tcpdump -nni 0.0 -c 50 ‘host and port 80’
Perform tcpdump for a file called client traffic captures 01.pcap on port 80 of only the first 50 packets
(tmos)# tcpdump -nni 0.0 -s0 -c 50 ‘host and port 80’ -w captura01.pcap
Perform a UCS backup of BIG-IP to the bigip1_backup.ucs file
(tmos)# save sys ucs bigip1_backup.ucs
Restore ucs backup of name bigip1_backup.ucs in BIG-IP
(tmos)# load sys ucs bigip1_backup.ucs*** Toda restauração de backup UCS executa um reload do processo do BIG-IP. Isso significa indisponibilidade de tráfego em caixas processando tráfego.
Check the license/key applied to BIG-IP
(tmos)# show sys license
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