Friday 21 May 2021

HTTP Troubleshooting:

 1.Client is unable to access web application. Pool Member 1 is mark Available (Green Circle)

2. Client is unable to access web application. It is confirmed that Virtual Server, Pool Members and Nodes are mark available (Green Circle)

3. Clients can access the web application successfully via BIG-IP. The BIG-IP is receiving frequent request to a site that contains large amount of static content such as CSS files, images, and javascripts. Optimization is needed as number of clients continuously increase. What do you need to enable.


HTTP Caching / Web Acceleration

  is a collection of HTTP objects stored in the BIG-IP system's memory

  subsequent connections can reuse to reduce traffic load on the origin web servers

. reduce the need to send frequent requests for the same object and eliminate the need to send full responses

  Cache Content Types: 200, 203, 303, 301, 401 HTTP Responses, CSS files, JavaScript, images HTTP Troubleshooting HTTP Compression aka Content Encoding

Client sends HTTP Request, BIG-IP reads the ACCEPT-ENCODING and removes its header and passes to the Server

Server receives the REQUEST and force not to compress HTTP Request Body

. BIG-IP receives Server response and inserts CONTENT-ENCODING header (gzip or deflate) and sends compressed data back to the client.

  Compress and reduce the size of HTTP REQUEST Body using available method from Client to BIG-IP to Client.

 Note: Both are profiles configured under Acceleration Module and required to enable HTTP Profile on Virtual Server


HTTP Status Codes

  a three-digit integer seen in Response header

  identifies the general category of response on 1st digit


HTTP/1.0 200 OK             HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found


General Category of Responses:

1XX indicates an informational message only

  2XX indicates success

  3XX redirects the client to another URL

  4XX indicates an error on the client’s part

5XX indicates an error on the server’s part


4. HTTP 302 Redirect

5. HTTP 404 Not Found

HTTP 401 Unauthorized

HTTP 502 Bad Gateway


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