1. Turn on debug logs using the following bigpipe commands:
b db GTM.DebugProbeLogging enable
b db GTM.QueryLogging enable
b db Log.Big3d.Level debug
2. Copy/Paste the following tcpdump command:
tcpdump -ni 0.0 -s0 port 53 -w /var/tmp/capture_dns_query.dmp
3. While the tcpdump is running, query the WideIP from a different device than the GTM making sure you are using the listener address of the GTM. For example:
dig +short example.wideip.domain.com @<listener-ip>
Perform the query several times
4. Control-C from the tcpdump
5. Turn off debug logs using the following bigpipe commands:
b db GTM.DebugProbeLogging disable
b db GTM.QueryLogging disable
b db Log.Big3d.Level notice
6. Create a tar file of /var/log/gtm
tar czf /var/tmp/C1415078_gtm_logs.tgz /var/log/gtm
if you want to share it with someone.
7. so now you need to review two things
one is the capture
second the logs
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