Thursday 8 August 2019

Useful F5 commands

1, When copy configuration from one unit to the other unit, or creating a lot of vips at the same time, it would be easier to do it via CLI:
a) Edit the configuration on editor
b) Copy and paste the configuration throught F5 cli terminal
user@(xxx)(cfg-sync In Sync)(/S1-green-P:Active)(/partition)(tmos)# load sys config from-terminal merge
Enter configuration. Press CTRL-D to submit or CTRL-C to cancel.
2, ssldump for trouble ssl session
a) use find to find the path of keyfile
[user@xxx:/S1-green-P:Active:In Sync] / # find -iname *.key*
for example
b) ssldump -A -d -k <key file> -n -i <capture VLAN> <traffic expression>
-A Print all fields
-d Show application data when private key is provided via -k
-k Private key file, found in /config/ssl/ssl.key/; the key file can be located under client SSL profile
-n Do not try to resolve PTR records for IP addresses
-i The capture VLAN name is the ingres VLAN for the TLS traffic
For example:
[user@xxx:/S1-green-P:Active:Changes Pending] / # ssldump -A -k ./config/filestore/files_d/partition_d/certificate_key_d/ -i 0.0 host and port 443
3, Use command biptop on cli to check all currenct connections
For example:
[user@xxx:/S1-green-P:Active:In Sync] ~ # bigtop
QUERYING… | bits since | bits in prior | current
| Mar 4 00:16:03 | 0 seconds | time
BIG-IP ACTIVE |—In—-Out—Conn-|—In—-Out—Conn-| 14:28:57 691.0T 1.418P 8.543G 0 0 0
VIRTUAL ip:port |—In—-Out—Conn-|—In—-Out—Conn-|-Nodes Up–
/partition/ 668.2T 213.5T 704.4M 0 0 0 0
4, You can use the openssl command to verify the client certificate against the Trusted Certificate Authority bundle prior to importing it onto the BIG-IP system. For example, the following openssl command verifies the client certificate, client.crt, against the Trusted Certificate Authority bundle:
openssl verify -purpose sslclient -CAfile /path/to/trusted-ca-bundle.crt/path/to/client.crt
If the chain of trust can be established for the server certificate using the specified chain, the command returns output similar to the following example:
client.crt: OK
5, Use tcpdump to show more tmm information,
for example, to check routed vip:
tcpdump -vs0 -i 0.0:nnn host
it shows below, the red part showed routed vip when received request from client.
16:28:44.474154 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 255, id 37043, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: TCP (6), length: 52) vip.http > host.38934: ., cksum 0x4282 (incorrect (-> 0x8e1f), ack 159 win 4297 <nop,nop,timestamp 913578425 3245706819> out slot1/tmm2 lis=/partition/xxxhttp-vip flowtype=64 flowid=5701C0361D00 peerid=5

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